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Home > Petroleum industry in a sentence

Petroleum industry in a sentence

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Sentence count:33Posted:2019-01-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: petroleumaluminum industrypetroleum jellypetroleum refinerypetroleum productsliquefied petroleum gasliquified petroleum gasfilm industry
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31 With the development of petroleum industry, the study on rock are more and more important.
32 He has advanced training in petroleum refinery engineering and has worked in the petroleum industry in Fushun and Yanji.
33 The world petroleum industry has experienced more than 140 years full of frustrations.
More similar words: petroleumaluminum industrypetroleum jellypetroleum refinerypetroleum productsliquefied petroleum gasliquified petroleum gasfilm industryindustrykey industryindustrialoil industryindustriousindustriallycoal industryconstruction industryheavy industrylight industrybasic industrysteel industrymovie industryindustriouslyinfant industryindustrialismindustrial areaindustrialiseindustrial zoneindustrializeindustrialistgrowth industry
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